The Forest

An interactive listening experience

A co-production with: Fabriktheater, Rote Fabrik Zurich, Theater Chur, with support of the Fundaziun Nairs

The Forest is an interactive listening experience directed by Diana Rojas-Feile for Mandarina&Co. Equipped with headphones, participants embark on a multi-layered journey reflecting on the forest, their role in nature and their own responsibility for it. The Forest offers a unique and topical sensory theatre experience for all ages.

The forest is always there. In comparison, we are small and our lives are short-lived. The forest is vast and imposing, we can only marvel at it. The forest trees are connected to each other through enormous underground networks with which they not only communicate, but also feed each other or warn each other of danger. Through studying the trees, we understand how vital interconnectedness is. We in turn, start to think about how we humans are connected to nature. We can no longer ignore the fact that the threat to nature is also a threat to us. So the forest and its trees represent nature, which is as powerful as it is vulnerable, and which is under enormous threat from climate change.

Visit the theatre and find yourself in the middle of a forest

The Forest is an immersive theatre experience for people aged 8 and above and is designed as an interactive performance in which participants find themselves in the middle of a shared space. We explore and experience together how we are a part of this wild monstrous nature. Through the use of headphones, the audience are taken on a playful multi-layered journey, where documentary material like recorded interviews and voices alternate with narrations, short stories and songs, questions to answer, and contemplative moments of self-awareness. Our Forest Room performance space invites you to feel, discover, smell and listen, as we ask ourselves: How am I responsible for this nature of which I too am a part?

Duration: approx. 85 min. | Language: DE (with some EN and PT) | Age: 8 years and above

Concept and Direction: Diana Rojas-Feile
Artistic Advisor: Corsin Gaudenz
Dramaturgy: Elisa Elwert
Performance: Victor Moser and Diana Rojas-Feile
Musical Composition & Sound Design: Victor Moser
Room Concept & Costume & Light: Theres Indermaur
Light Concept: Viktoras Zemeckas
Sound Engineering: Joël Fonsegrive
Amazonas Songs: Ibã Huni Kuin
Pájaro-cocho (self-invented wood instrument): Marco Scarassatti
Production Management: Kathrin Linder, Mirjam Berger
Production Assistant & Art Education: Pierina Bernetta
Graphic & Visual Design: Miriam Hempel
Photography: Momir Cavic, Maria Cheilpoulou
3D-graphics: Christian Indermaur

Big thanks to Barbara Ellenberger

Produced in collaboration with the Uetliberg and the Montessori School Zurich City

Fotos oben: Maria Cheilpoulou

White Cube-Version.

Fotos oben: Diana Rojas-Feile



Video: ComMedia Video Jost Nyffeler Bern
with support of Videofonds t.

Headphones highly recommended to watch this video.

For subtitles, klick on [cc] in the menu bar and choose English.


Supported by:


Stadt Zürich Kultur

Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur

Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung

SWISSLOS/Kulturförderung Kanton Graubünden

Stiftung für Radio und Kultur Schweiz SRKS & Swissperform

Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art

Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Kantons Zürich GGKZ





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